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A new leaf

WHAT is it That philosophers do? You are old But I am new You are smarter I am wiser I shall be Philosophizer    I may be ‘new’, but I come from a tradition that is very, very old, older than philosophy as you know it.      I know about your heroes. I studied them, read their books. I was sold the dream of philosophy: the ‘pursuit of truth’. But whose truth? And to what end? Philosophers of the Academy serve a cause that is greater than themselves. How noble! Each scholar conceives of this in his or her own way: the pursuit of knowledge, the progress of human society, dialogue between cultures, peace on Earth! — I see through you all. Philosophers of the Academy serve . Oh yes! You are servants, slaves, in fact. The coin that keeps you fed and clothed also ensures your unquestioning compliance .      Dare to step out of line and one or more of three things will happen: your students will boycott you, your colleague...

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